Bookmarking itself is extremely useful. My whole browser is filled from left to right with buttons of bookmarks. Social Bookmarking is a good means for users to share resources without having to give actual copies of something to others. Again, being a math class, using the internet itself will be sparce. However, Social Bookmarking can be used to share some great links to videos I have found (that I referenced in a earlier post). Also, if we are ever doing a math or any other project, I and my students can use Social Bookmarking as a way to show and share resources and useful sites.
Tapped In seems like a great way for teachers to communicate and share ideas more easily than meeting in person. After all, teachers often have very tight schedules. This way, they can simply get on and look up or share at their convenience. The book is right when it mentioned how teachers are isolated and rarely share ideas. (p. 128) If they (we) can gather our collective thoughts and share our experiences, I am sure that the teaching community will gain a better understanding of the student learning processs as a whole. I am still a little confused as to how it works and how to get involved with it, but I plan to do more research to do so.
Jonassen, DJ, Howland, JH, Marra, RM, & Crismond, DC (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
I agree there are some classes that wikis and social bookingmarking will not be a good fit.
ReplyDeleteI Agree with you that Tapped In is a great way for teachers to communicate and share ideas.
ReplyDeleteI would assume that you are going to teach math by your comments of math class which is what I hope to do as well. I am with you when you say some of it wouldnt really seem to fit in a math class and also you would need to learn a little more before using the other. I feel the same. I dont really know about doing the whole wiki thing but the bookmarking and tapped in programs seem to be very interesting and helpful. I would definitely like to learn more about all of it before I counted it out though. You made very good points.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the socialbookmarking statement. It is a lot since you do not have to make copies of anything and waste a whole bunch of paper. Teachers are very busy so Tapped In is a great way for them to communicate to each other on their own time.
ReplyDeleteI am also going to teach math and there will be some techonolgy we cannot incorporate, or it will be very difficult to do so. I think wikis and blogs are one of these things. But I do not think it will be impossible. I think it will take some creativity.
ReplyDeleteI tend to disagree with your comment on not seeing a wiki as useful in a math class. I currently work as a bilingual aide in 3rd grade. The teacher I work with has a wiki that is used as center. On it she has various math games, math videos, and other fun ways to learn math vocabulary. You can find the link on my blog if you are interested.
bookmarking is extremely useful, for a highschool math class i dont know. But for me and personal use they are fantastic.